- Protected and safe harbour.
- Economical and cost effective services.
- Facilities for handling Liquid Cargo, POL Products, Chemicals and Edible Oil.
- Storage Facility for LPG to the tune of 30,000 cu.m.
- Port with Highest Liquid Storage capacity in the Country.
- Excellent Road and Rail Connectivity.
- Higher capacity cranes for Dry Cargo.
- Transparent and Notified Tariff.
- 13 metres draft at Deendayal and 33 meters at Vadinar.
- Provides the largest open and closed storage capacity.
- Strategically located with close proximity to the Middle East and Europe
- Port with the largest land availability of 2175 acres of dry land area and 10 km water front.
- Trade-friendly port and excellent industrial relations.
- Nearly 100% payments are now being made online everyday.
- Additional channel for payment of Port Charges through dedicated Payment Gateway is under advanced stage.