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Updated On: 22-03-2023 01:59 PM

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19 Result of Traffic Executives
18  Final result of Signalman and Safety Inspector

Entry Level Executive Posts in the Civil Engineering Discipline through a common recruitment process. For downloading the Admit Card:   Admit Card Link

16 Intimation regarding change of date and time of interview – signalman and safety inspector
15 List of eligible candidates for the interview – signalman and safety inspector
14 Final Result for Pilot (Contractual Basic)
13 Merit List for the post of Traffic Executive, a call letter for personal interview and an undertaking
12 Regarding Interview postponed for Traffic Executive Post
11 Merit List for engagement of Management Trainees, on contract basis
10 Result of Pilot (Marine) by Direct Recruitment
9 List of selected & Panel candidates for JE (Civil) on Contract Basis
8 Result of Hindi Officer
7 Personal interview for the post of Hindi Officer



Result of Medical Officer

Final Result of the position Advisor(IT) and Manager(ICT)

4 Result Cont. Pilot Dec 2022
3 Provisional Merit and Waiting List in response to the advertisement No. ML/PS/1503/2023-24 dtd. 01/02/2023 for the Engagement of Apprentices in DPA.
2 Final Result – I.T. Specialist
1 First Merit List of Management Trainees and Graduate Trainees
